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A day of grace: FIRST FRIDAY of every month. Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions from 12 - 5 pm
Liturgical Season

Liturgy and Sacraments

The Mysteries of the Church
Baptism & Confirmation
For Churching your New-Born and the Mysteries of the Christian Initiation, please contact the parish center.​
The sacrament of reconciliation is celebrated primarily on the First Friday of the Month
From Noon to Nine (9:00 pm)
During Eucharistic Adoration.
& Always by appointment.
Anointing of the Sick
Please call the priest directly, or register HERE, for the Communion for the Homebound, and for the anointing of the sick at home, hospital or in a Nursing Home. (Hospitals do not usually notify us).
When a loved one has passed on to their Eternal Reward, please contact the priest immediately.

The Service of the Divine Mysteries (Mass Times)
-Sunday: 10:30 AM
​(Upper Church)
-Saturday vigil: 4:00 PM
(Upper Church)
* * *
-Tuesday to Friday: 6:00 PM
(St. Aquilina lower Chapel)
Note: The Language of the
Divine Liturgy on Fridays
is Arabic.
First Friday of the month:
Divine Liturgy at 10:30 am
Adoration & Confession, Noon to Nine
* * *
Offer the intention of the Divine Liturgy

The Mysteries of the Church
Crowning - (Marriage)
Formation for this blessed event begins 7 months in advance of the desired date. To schedule a wedding, please contact the church 7 months before the wedding date, before booking a wedding venue.
Holy Orders
If God is calling you to serve His church in the consecrated life, don't hesitate in discerning your vocation. Contact the priest to discuss your vocation.
Liturgy and Sacraments
Monthly Intentions
Prayer Intentions of the Month
O Lord heal the divisions in our country, fortify holy matrimony and family life, and protect and strengthen us against the forces that are contrary to the Christian Life.
-We Pray to you, O Lord.
Prayer Request
Prayer Requests

Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us and asked us to be a people of prayer and to lift each other to the heart of God through prayer and Good works.
We are blessed to carry your intentions in our prayers and share them in our prayer chain. Consider joining it!
Please press HERE to fill the prayer form, and let's get praying!
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